Join Allan on this Special Extension
following his "Journey of the Spirit" to Teotihuacán, Mexico!

Shopping in Tepoztlán ~ 1 of 1


The streets of Tepoztlán are filled with shopping
opportunities of all kinds -- at bargain prices.

Weavings and textiles
Food and drink
Old Mexico crafts
New Age delights
Massage, Iridology, Reiki


"Allan, again I want to thank you so much for your guidance. You have made a big difference in my life and the results continue to produce results daily."
J.P., Minnesot

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Tepoztlán has a reputation for sightings of UFO’s. Perhaps YOU will see an Orange Plasma Ship! Shop for bargain crystals and New Age wares of all kinds.

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Even if they are too big for your suitcase.


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"It seems like a whole lifetime since our journey together ...
everything has changed so much since then.
Every day I wake up happy to be alive, no matter what
else is going on. I never dreamed I could feel this way.
Thank you!!" ~ L.C., California




The Streets of Tepoztlán | Posada de Tepozteco
Shopping in Tepoztlán
| Tepozteco Pyramid | The Mercado

Allan's Invitation to Paradise and your Teotihuacán and Tepoztlán Journey